The eldest son of Joseph Pinau dit Deschatelets by his first wife Marguerite Bouvret (Beauvais), Joseph fils was born on 24 April 1813. He was baptised the next day in Ste-Anne R.C. church in Ste-Anne-des-Plaines, about 40 km (25 miles) north of Montreal. [1]
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Joseph Deschatelets baptism record (Ancestry) |
My transcription of Joseph’s baptism record (original lineation indicated by / ):
Le vingt cinq Avril mil huit cent treize nous curé de / Ste Anne soussigné avons baptisé Joseph né le jour / précédent du légitime mariage de Joseph Pinau dit Descha- / telets cultivateur de cette paroisse et de Marguerite Bou- / vret. Parrain étienne Bouvret, marraine Marie Duquet / qui ont déclaré avec le Père ne savoir signer.
[signed] Ant. Tabeau Ptre C.
My English translation (original lineation indicated by / ):
The twenty fifth April one thousand one hundred thirteen we undersigned [parish priest] have baptised Joseph born the day / previously of the legitimate marriage of Joseph Pinau dit Descha- / telets farmer of this parish and of Marguerite Bou- / vret. Godfather étienne Bouvret, godmother Marie Duquet / who have declared with the Father not knowing how to sign [their names].
[signed] Ant. Tabeau Ptre C.
The godfather Etienne might be the child’s grandfather, Etienne Bouvret, or might be his uncle, also named Etienne Bouvret.
1. Ste-Anne (Ste-Anne-des-Plaines, Quebec), parish register, 1813, p. 50 recto, no entry no., Joseph Pinau dit Deschatelets (written as Joseph Pinau dit Deschatelets, indexed as Joseph Pinau Dt Deschatelets) baptism, 25 April 1813; Ste-Anne parish; digital images, “Quebec Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967”, Ancestry ( : accessed 25 April 2008).
Copyright © 2018, Yvonne Demoskoff.