Showing posts with label Marie Louise Colle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marie Louise Colle. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Wedding Wednesday: Deschatelets – Colle

Nearly 240 years ago – on 4 April 1780 – my maternal 5x great-grandparents François and Marie Louise (Colle) Deschatelets married. [1]

François, born in 1755, was the second, but eldest surviving son of Joseph Marie Pineault dit Deschatelets and Marie-Gabrielle Sullière. For her part, Marie Louise, born in 1758, was a younger daughter of Jean-Baptiste Colle and Marie Josephe Paule Martel. Jean-Baptiste, originally Valentin Cole from Boston, converted to the Roman Catholic faith a few months before his marriage to Marie Louise’s mother in 1753.

François and Marie Louise were the parents of six children (two sons and four daughters) before Marie Louise died aged 30 in December 1788. Four years later, widower François married Marie Angélique Duquet, by whom he had eleven children. He died in 1833.

Marriage record of Francois Deschatelets Marie Louise Colle
Deschatelets – Colle marriage record, Ancestry

Transcription of François and Marie Louise’s marriage record:

Le quatre avril mil sept cent quatre vingt par nous ptre / apres la publication de trois bans de mariage faite au prone / des grandes messes parroissial entre francois dechatelest et / fils de Joseph Pinault dt dechatelest et de marie Gabrielle / Sullière de cette parroise d’une part et de marie Louise / colle fille de Jean Baptiste colle et de marie Josette paul / martelle aussy de cette paroisse d’autre part, sans [qu’il / ce soit?] trouvé aucun enpèchement canoniques [au Séville?] au / dt mariage et Leur avon donné La Benediction nuptial / avec les ceremony prescripte par notre mere La Ste Eglise / catholique apostolique et Romaine en presence de / Joseph dechatelest frere de l’epoux de noel lavoix son / oncle et de Jean LeBoeuf et du cotté de l’epouse de Jean / Baptiste colle son pere de Joseph Locas et plusieurs autres / parant et amis qui ont declaré ne savoir [signer?] [des … ?] / qui suivant Lordce 
[signed] Petrimoulx ptre

My translation of the text:

The fourth april one thousand seven hundred eighty by us [priest] after the publication of three banns of marriage at the sermons of the parish high masses between francois dechatelest and / son of Joseph Pinault [aka] dechatelest et of marie Gabrielle Sullière of this parish on the one part and of marie Louise / colle daughter of Jean Baptiste colle and of marie Josette paul / martelle also of this parish on the other part, without [having?] found any canonical impediments [as well as civil ones?] to the [said] marriage and [we] have given The nuptial Benediction / with the prescribed ceremonies of our mother The Holy catholic and apostolic Roman Church in the presence of / Joseph dechatelest brother of the groom de noel lavoix his / uncle and of Jean LeBoeuf and on the side of the bride of Jean / Baptiste colle her father of Joseph Locas and of several other / relatives and friends who declared could not sign [their names] [des … ?] / following the [ordinance] 
[signed] Petrimoulx [priest]


1. St-Pierre-du-Portage (L’Assomption, Quebec), parish register, 1777-1782, p. 78 verso, no entry no. (1780), Francois Dechatelest – Marie Louise Colle [sic] marriage, 4 April 1780; St-Pierre-du-Portage parish; digital images, Ancestry ( : accessed 11 February 2011).

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