Showing posts with label Elisabeth Lemieux. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elisabeth Lemieux. Show all posts

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Church Record Sunday: Elisabeth Lemieux’s 1891 Burial Record

Elisabeth, also known as Isabelle, is my maternal 3x great-grandmother.

The ninth child of Jean-Baptiste and Marie-Anne (Séguin) Lemieux, Elisabeth was born on December 16, 1810 in LaPrairie, a community on the south shore of the St. Lawrence River facing Montreal.

In January 1828, Elisabeth married François Desgroseilliers in nearby Châteauguay. The following year, her elder sister Jovite (1808-1893) married Joseph Desgroseilliers, François’ brother. (One day I’ll write an article about how they are sometimes confused as one couple in online family trees.)

Elisabeth and François had eleven children, eight of whom survived to adulthood. About twenty years after François’ death in 1853, Elisabeth left her home in Châteauguay County, Quebec for Russell County, Ontario. Her children Aurélie, François, and Pierre (my 2x great-grandfather) also moved to Ontario about that time.

Elisabeth died in Embrun, Russell County, Ontario on July 14, 1891. [1] Her death registration, however, states that she died on July 15. [2] The funeral took place two days later (July 16) at St-Jacques church, followed by burial in the parish cemetery.

Elisabeth Lemieux burial record 1891
Elisabeth Lemieux burial record (Ancestry)

My transcription of Elisabeth’s burial record (original lineation indicated by / ):

Le seize Juillet, mil huit cent quatre vingt onze / Nous soussigné Vicaire, avons inhumé dans le / cimetière de cette paroisse, le corps de Isabelle / D. Lemieux, décédée avant-hier a l’âge de quatre- / vingt-deux ans, épouse de feu François Desgro- / seillers [sic], cultivateur de cette paroisse. Étaient / presents Onésime Desrosiers, Amable Bourdeau / et autres de cette paroisse, qui ainsi que le fils / François Desgroseillers [sic], n’ont pu signer. / Lecture faite. [signé ChsSdeCarufel Ptre]

My English translation of the record (original lineation indicated by / ):

The sixteen July, one thousand eight hundred ninety one / We undersigned Vicar, have interred in the / cemetery of this parish, the body of Isabelle / D. Lemieux, deceased before yesterday at the age of / 82 years, spouse of the late François Desgro- / seillers [sic], farmer of this parish. Were / present Onésime Desrosiers, Amable Bourdeau / and others of this parish, who along with the son / François Desgroseillers [sic], could not sign [their names]. / Reading done. [signed ChsSdeCarufel Ptre]

I noticed a couple of minor errors in Elisabeth’s burial record. One, she was 80 years old (not 82) when she died. Two, her late husband François never lived in Embrun (he died in Châteauguay County, Quebec), so could not have been a cultivateur de cette paroisse. Someone present at the funeral, possibly a family member, likely gave these incorrect details to the vicar, the recently ordained Charles Sicard de Carufel. [3]


1. St-Jacques (Embrun, Ontario), parish register, 1884-1891, page no. 531 stamped, entry no. S.25 (1891), Isabelle Lemieux (written as Isabelle Lemieux, indexed as Isabelle Desgroseillers) burial, 16 July 1891; St-Jacques parish; digital images, “Ontario, Canada, Catholic Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1747-1967”, Ancestry ( : accessed 22 September 2015).

2. “Ontario, Canada, Deaths, 1869-1938 and Deaths Overseas, 1939-1947”, digital images, Ancestry ( : accessed 22 September 2015), entry for Isabelle Desgroseilliers (written as Isabelle Desgroseilliers, indexed as Isabelle Desposeillien), 15 July 1891; citing Archives of Ontario, Registrations of Deaths, 1869-1938, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, series MS935, reel 62.

3. Cyprien Tanguay, Répertoire Général du Clergé Canadien […] (Montréal, 1893, 514); digital images, Internet Archive ( : accessed 11 July 2018), entry for Charles-Olivier Sicard de Carufel.

Copyright © 2018, Yvonne Demoskoff.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wedding Wednesday: Desgroseilliers – Lemieux

Marriage record of Francois Desgroseilliers and Elisabeth Lemieux
François Desgroseilliers - Elisabeth Lemieux marriage record (FamilySearch)

On 28 January 1828, a young couple presented themselves at the Roman Catholic church in La Prairie, located on the south shore of the St. Lawrence River across from Montreal. It was a wintry Monday when François, 23 years old, and Elisabeth, 17 years old, stood in her parish of La Nativité de la Bienheureuse-Vierge-Marie to be wed. [1]

Father J.B. Boucher officiated at the ceremony. Present in the congregation were François' father and his younger brothers Joseph and Michel, as well as Elisabeth’s older brothers Jean Baptiste, Pierre, and François. (Their father Jean Baptiste had died almost two years earlier in May 1826.)

After their wedding, François and Elisabeth went to live in his home parish of Ste-Martine, in nearby Châteauguay county. Most of their eleven children (six sons and five daughters) were born here, including younger son Pierre, who is my 2x maternal great-grandfather.

François died in August 1853. Elisabeth survived him by thirty-eight years, and died in July 1891 in Embrun, Russell County, Ontario.

Their marriage record (above) reads in French:

L’an mil huit-cent vingt-huit le vingt-huit Janvier / après trois publications de promesse de mariage faites par / trois Dimanches consécutifs aux prônes des messes paroissiales / tant de cette Paroisse que de celle de Ste Martine ainsi qu’il m’est apparu par le certificat de [Messire] Mereuve même / curé en la ditte Paroisse entre Francois Desgroseilliers / laboureur, de la Paroisse de Ste Martine fils majeur de Fran- / cois Desgroseilliers et de Louise Roi ses pere et mere de la / ditte Paroisse de Ste Martine d’une part, et Elizabeth Lemieux / de cette Paroisse fille mineure de feu Jean Baptiste Lemieux / et de Marie Anne Séguin ses pere et mere de cette Paroisse / d’une autre part, ne s’étant découvert aucun empêchement, ni / formée aucune opposition au dit Mariage, Nous Prêtre soussigné / curé en cette Paroisse, leur avons, du consentement des parens / requis par le droit donné la benediction nuptial après / avoir reçu leur consentement mutual par paroles de presents, / et ce en présence de Francois Desgroseilliers pere de l’Epoux / Joseph Desgroseilliers et Michel Desgroseilliers ses freres et Jean / Baptiste Lemieux, Pierre Lemieux et Francois Lemieux freres / de l’épouse, et Pascal Lussier qui ainsi que les epoux ont déclaré / ne savoir signer de ce enquis lecture faite

In English:

The year 1828 the 28 January / after three publications of promise of marriage made by / three consecutive Sundays at [the] sermons of the parish masses / as much in this Parish as in the one of Ste Martine as well as it has appeared to me by the certificate of [Messire] Mereuve same / curate in the said Parish between Francois Desgroseilliers laborer, of the Parish of Ste Martine son of age of Fran- / cois Desgroseilliers and Louise Roi his father and mother of the / said Parish of Ste Martine on the one part, and Elizabeth Lemieux / of this Parish minor daughter of the late Jean Baptiste Lemieux / and of Marie Anne Séguin her father and mother of this Parish / of the other part, not discovering any impediment, nor / formed any opposition to said Marriage, We Priest undersigned / curate in this Parish, having given, of the consent of the parents / required by law given the nuptial blessing after / having received their spoken mutual consent of those present / and this in presence of Francois Desgroseilliers father of the Groom / Joseph Desgroseilliers and Michel Desgroseilliers his brothers and Jean / Baptiste Lemieux, Pierre Lemieux and Francois Lemieux brothers / of the bride, and Pascal Lussier who as well as the [bride and groom] have declared not knowing how to sign [their names] [have inquired] [reading done]


1. "Québec, registres paroissiaux catholiques, 1621-1979", digital images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 21 January 2016), La Prairie > Nativité-de-la-Prairie-de-la-Magdeleine > Baptêmes, mariages, sépultures 1821-1835 > image 300 of 734; nos paroisses de Église Catholique, Quebec (Catholic Church parishes, Quebec).

Copyright © 2016, Yvonne Demoskoff.